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Crossover Preparatory Academy
Crossover Preparatory Academy
Submitted by:
Avarice Holman Jr.
Crossover Preparatory Academy
Rubric goals
Behavior Improvement
Target grades
Rubric type

Crossover Preparatory Academy Behavior Rubric

About Their Behavior Rubric

Crossover Preparatory Academy is a private, religious school with grades 6-12 in Tulsa, OK. In the Fall of 2019, a committee of staff members developed their rubric with a focus on recognizing students for responsible behavior and holding students accountable when they make irresponsible decisions.

They spent time evaluating which behaviors were causing the most disruptions to learning and which behaviors had the potential to cause disruptions. Through this process, they created a rubric that focused on both the positive behaviors they wanted to see from their students and the negatives that they could track data on.

Crossover Man Traits

The school identifies the traits they want to see in their students as positive points which include accepting responsibility, leading courageously, and rejecting passivity. The team has also numbered their positive categories so that they can determine the order that the categories show up on the screen. It’s a best practice to put the points that teachers award the most at the top so that it’s easy for them to award the points!


The committee at Crossover Prep ranked the list of disruptions by “categories” based on which behaviors were more detrimental - similar to hurricane rankings. They have 5 categories with negative behaviors listed so they can track every time a student exhibits the behavior and easily identify when a student needs additional support.

Spirit Week & Bonuses

A great way to ensure participation in your school activities is to add them as point opportunities in your rubric! The Crossover Prep Team also has categories for earning points during their Spirit Week and attending clubs weekly.

The team at Crossover Preparatory Academy - Boys created a rubric that works for their school and every year they evaluate their data to make edits. The team encourages their teachers to have a 3:1 ratio throughout the year and it’s working! They have a school-wide 6:1 ratio for the school year.

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