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Deputy SRO
Submitted by:
Leslie Mikell
Deputy SRO
Submitted by:
Leslie Mikell
Target grades
Cost level
Group size

To Serve, Protect, and Snack. 👮

You get to shadow the School Resource Officer as a deputy officer and spend 45 minutes getting to know who your SRO is and what they do. This is a great way for students to investigate potential career paths. It's also a great way for your law enforcement personnel to build relationships in the school and the community as a whole.

How It Works

Students will get to wear a sticker badge and carry a walkie-talkie which means their peers all get to see the benefits of the reward. They also get their picture taken and posted on the school's social media page. If you want to increase the popularity of this reward, you could also invite students to eat lunch or grab a snack with their SRO!

Set up in LiveSchool

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